Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

We had a great Christmas this year.  There were so many people getting sick around us this year, and thankfully, we all stayed healthy and we were excited and ready for Christmas.  After the annual Christmas Eve dinner at my parents’ house, the girls got to bed late and actually slept in a bit on Christmas morning.  They weren’t up until 7:30! 


Once they were up, they were excited to read the note from Santa (Lyla believes), see the cookie crumbs he left and the carrot stubs the reindeer left, then open their stockings.

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After stockings, we settled in and watched the girls open their presents.  They were really happy with the things they got this year, and it brought us a lot of joy just to watch their excitement and happiness to open each present. 


Of course, Cayenne got involved.  She did open two presents and learned quickly that there are good things in the packages!  We thought we really had the situation figured out when it looked like she could be taught to take the used wrapping paper and put it in the trash bag.  Well, that lasted for a few times, then she decided it was more fun to chew the paper than put it in the bag.  Next year we’ll have to start the training ahead of time so she actually makes herself useful on Christmas morning!

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After opening presents at our house, we always head back to Mousey and Poppy’s for Christmas with the family.  There’s some more presents, a delicious brunch, and some family time before we head back home for the rest of the day.


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One gift that the big girls were “thrilled” about was a book selection from Poppy – Rush Revere.  Clearly, they can’t wait to dive into Poppy’s wonderful book selection!

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After we got back home, the first gift they wanted to play with was their bumper balls.  This gift definitely brought a lot of laughs.  The girls had an awesome time playing with them, and if they can keep from damaging them, I think the bumper balls will be a great toy for bouncing out a lot of energy during the cold winter months.071



In addition to the bumper balls, they spend a lot of time Christmas day building their new Lego sets and playing their new swingball game with neighbor friends.

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It was a long but great Christmas day, and we had two tired little girls by the time it was all said and done, but it was a wonderful day to enjoy time with family, have fun with new gifts, and most importantly, remember the birth of Jesus – the real reason for our celebration.  Merry Christmas to all!

Lyla and badger


  1. Anonymous7:47 AM

    How did you get that picture? I had a wonderful Christmas too!
    Love, Nina :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Anonymous7:56 AM

    and I wanted to have a wonderful Christmas. P.S. I DID! from Lyla...
