Friday, June 06, 2014

Eleven Months

Look who is almost a year old!  Our little baby dog (as we call her) is just about a month away from her first birthday, and while she is definitely maturing in a lot of ways, she’s still a big puppy.001

Cayenne’s favorite things to do are run (the faster the better), eat treats, and snuggle with humans. She loves to play, loves to go to the bus stop to pick up the girls at the end of the day, she loves to show off her bone (and get lots of compliments on it), and she really loves “talking” which she has done a lot more of in the past few months.  We wish we knew what she meant with all the talking she does, but she’s definitely got a lot to say.  


She’s a very typical bird dog by nature.  She loves to stalk out bunnies and birds that stop off in our back yard, and she one of these days I think she’s actually going to catch one. 

While having a puppy has been a lot of work, Cayenne has added so much personality to our family, and despite her naughty antics at times, her loving personality, her sweet demeanor with the girls, and her funny ways have made her a great addition to the family (most of the time). Smile 


1 comment:

  1. Yes, for cake, I'm thinking chocolate. :)
