Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

We had a great Christmas this year.  There were so many people getting sick around us this year, and thankfully, we all stayed healthy and we were excited and ready for Christmas.  After the annual Christmas Eve dinner at my parents’ house, the girls got to bed late and actually slept in a bit on Christmas morning.  They weren’t up until 7:30! 


Once they were up, they were excited to read the note from Santa (Lyla believes), see the cookie crumbs he left and the carrot stubs the reindeer left, then open their stockings.

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After stockings, we settled in and watched the girls open their presents.  They were really happy with the things they got this year, and it brought us a lot of joy just to watch their excitement and happiness to open each present. 


Of course, Cayenne got involved.  She did open two presents and learned quickly that there are good things in the packages!  We thought we really had the situation figured out when it looked like she could be taught to take the used wrapping paper and put it in the trash bag.  Well, that lasted for a few times, then she decided it was more fun to chew the paper than put it in the bag.  Next year we’ll have to start the training ahead of time so she actually makes herself useful on Christmas morning!

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After opening presents at our house, we always head back to Mousey and Poppy’s for Christmas with the family.  There’s some more presents, a delicious brunch, and some family time before we head back home for the rest of the day.


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One gift that the big girls were “thrilled” about was a book selection from Poppy – Rush Revere.  Clearly, they can’t wait to dive into Poppy’s wonderful book selection!

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After we got back home, the first gift they wanted to play with was their bumper balls.  This gift definitely brought a lot of laughs.  The girls had an awesome time playing with them, and if they can keep from damaging them, I think the bumper balls will be a great toy for bouncing out a lot of energy during the cold winter months.071



In addition to the bumper balls, they spend a lot of time Christmas day building their new Lego sets and playing their new swingball game with neighbor friends.

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It was a long but great Christmas day, and we had two tired little girls by the time it was all said and done, but it was a wonderful day to enjoy time with family, have fun with new gifts, and most importantly, remember the birth of Jesus – the real reason for our celebration.  Merry Christmas to all!

Lyla and badger

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Visit to PB

On Sunday, we went to PB’s for a pre-Christmas visit. We heard a little of his piano playing, got some science lessons on photography and simulators, and of course, got our pictures taken.



PB was trying out his newer green background on us this time.  As you may know, “using a green screen, through the magic of video effects and technology, you can superimpose your subjects onto virtual backgrounds, placing them over animated digital backdrops or transporting them to a desert oasis”. So, we’re kind of like Hollywood movie stars who use the green screen in movies – minus the hair and makeup people (obviously), minus the big time Hollywood paycheck, and unfortunately we’re not getting transported anywhere fabulous after we get our picture taken.


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Clearly, the girls needed a bit of comic relief in between picture poses.  Here they are getting their sillies out!


After we left PBs, we stopped at the National Harbor for burgers.  Between the late start for dinner, the long wait for the food, the energy build up, and probably too much lemonade in the waiting, it was a rowdy dinner to say the least.  However, by the end of the trip everyone was tired and ready for bed. 

It was great to visit with PB, and we hope he has a wonderful 90th Christmas!

Lyla and Ryleigh  Nina and Emme

Monday, December 22, 2014

Catching Up

It’s been a little while since I’ve had the chance to catch up on the blog.  Things have been a bit busy around here!  With Christmas right around the corner and holiday activities in full swing, there’s been a lot going on in the Simpson house.  We’ve enjoyed decorating for Christmas, having fun times at holiday parties with friends, and of course there’s keeping up with the day to day of school, work (Mark), teaching classes (me), and taking care of the #1 Princess in the house (Cayenne).

However, the kids did get to let loose at school at the end of last week and have a fun class party, watching a winter movie, etc.  I got to help out with Lyla’s class party, so I was able to snap two photos of her in her class “photo booth”



I like to joking say, if we accomplish nothing else in 2014, we are proud to say that we have accomplished how to tire out a Vizsla!  It’s lots of exercise, even in the super cold weather, but this pup plays hard then crashes!  I remember thinking this of the girls when they were babies – when they’re asleep, there’s nothing cuter!

Cayenne and Mark   Cayenne and Nina



After getting the last week of school finished, we tacked some holiday baking.  While I “appreciate” my assistants, I could use some reinforcements of the non flour-flying, non dough-eating types!  As is always the case when I have helpers making Christmas cookies, it looks like a bomb went off in our kitchen by the time we’re through.  The cookies may not be decorated in the most fancy or neat way, but you can be assured they’re baked with lots of love (and lots of licked fingers  - hope you don’t mind!!!).

Cookie Making

The great thing about Winter Break is that the weather can be cold and rainy and we can still go swimming in the middle of the day!  The gyms that I teach at have great indoor pools for kids, so it’s fun to take advantage of the opportunity to swim even in winter!


Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Dinner Dollars to Make a Difference

A few years ago, I hosted my first Dinner Dollars to Make a Difference.  It was a great evening with friends that helped raise money and bring awareness to a really wonderful organization, Love 146.  Last week, I had the dinner again.  This time I invited a bunch of neighbor ladies, and the organization we raised money and awareness for was International Justice Mission

Very unlike me, I didn’t take a single picture.  I so wish I would have.  The set up was festive, the neighbors brought great food, and there was lots of laughter and enjoyment of each other’s company. It was an awesome evening.  Best of all, however, was the opportunity to share about IJM (as many had never heard of it before), what they do, why they do it, and the ways they’re making a difference all over the world by bringing justice to so many who have been the victims of injustice. 

I was thrilled with the money we raised by contributing what we would have spent going out to eat to IJM instead, but even more than that, it was a great opportunity, particularly at this time of year, to reflect on how blessed we really are, that everyone doesn’t live like we do, and if we can help great organizations like IJM make a difference in people’s lives, it’s not only a gift to them, but it’s a gift to us as well. 

If you’d like to know more, please visit to learn more about this fantastic organization.


And She Calls Herself a Hunting Dog…

hunting dog

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

As is tradition, the family all headed down to Hartfield for Thanksgiving.  This year, we were all battling snow in the forecast for travel on Wednesday, but everyone made it down to the river house without major issue (other than the Simpsons having to deal with a dog throw up in the car), and the fest of cousin fun and eating began!


One of the sights we enjoy down at Hartfield is catching glimpses of the bald eagles that live on the other side of the river.  On Thursday morning, one of them flew over to our side of the river, and we got a great look at it. 


It didn’t stay too long before flying back to his side, but then it was joined by another bald eagle in the trees across the river.  It was really cool to see!



As usual, the cousins had a great time hanging out together.  They kept themselves busy playing together inside, outside, and, of course, making one of Mousey’s famed craft projects!


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Cayenne also enjoyed the time at Hartfield.  She is allowed on the couches there (which is a big treat for her), and there are plenty of things to sniff and explore. 



She gets to play with the neighbor dog, Marbles, chase the girls, and race them as much as they’ll allow.  After all that activity and some kitchen scraps, she gets some quality nap time. Not a bad life!




We had an awesome Thanksgiving meal – lots of turkey, sides, and the annual bushel of oysters.  It was delicious!  On Friday, the boys played a little golf while we girls went to Urbanna for pizza lunch, then on Friday evening the parents watched the girls while Bo, Mark, myself, Shenley and Garland went out to Merroir for a great evening!


I’m so very thankful for a family that has a great time hanging out together – both the young and the “old”  - well, not too old yet!  Of the many gifts God has blessed me with, a great family is definitely one at the top of my list!  It’s truly something to be thankful for.




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