On Sunday, our community had Santa visit along with a little holiday party. Nina was excited to visit Santa and really seemed to enjoy the whole experience.
Nina was a little shy when she got up to sit with Santa, but she still was excited. Lyla, not so much. This is actually the happiest face we have of her on the sleigh. Just after I snapped this picture, the bottom lip came out and the tears started. So, we got a picture of just Nina and Santa together.
Lyla spent much of the holiday party with this face. She was happy to hang around the cookie an juice table, and she liked checking out the decorated Christmas tree, but she wasn't having anything to do with Santa or his reindeer!
Lyla spent much of the holiday party with this face. She was happy to hang around the cookie an juice table, and she liked checking out the decorated Christmas tree, but she wasn't having anything to do with Santa or his reindeer!
Great pictures! Did you see our blog entry about our holiday party? Lyla and Molly have the exact same expression! Too funny! Those girls would get along great!