Well, today was the first day of school for Nina, and she did awesome. I was really proud of her. She kept up with the adjusted routine this morning (that included lunch starting at 10:40 am), and we were all set a little early today so I could take some pictures and be ready to meet the bus at 11:18. After going back and forth about what to do about walking Nina in on the first day or letting her ride the bus, we settled on letting her ride the bus. Since she said she wanted to, we thought it would be easier to make the break there at the bus stop versus outside the classroom. Since her bus only has a few kindergarteners on it, she’ll ride the bus to school each day, and Lyla and I will pick her up at school each afternoon. I thought it might be a little hard today when her friends, twin sisters who live two houses down, came out to the bus stop also, but they were getting on the bus to go to the neighborhood school, and Nina was getting on a different bus to go to the overflow school. However, she was very brave, did great, and I was super proud of her. Lyla did cry some big tears and was very sad to see Nina drive off in the bus, but she was very excited when it came time to go pick up Nina at the end of the day.
Nina gave a good report on her first day. She does like her teacher and said today was a little boring, and there are too many boys in her class (as far as I know, there are only four girls in her class), but other than that, things were good. She wore a special bracelet today to help her when she felt nervous or scared to remember that God is with her and we are thinking of her all day. When I asked if she had to look at her bracelet much today, she told me only a few times on the bus ride. She gets out of school at 2:35, so we got home and had lots of time to play outside with friends, so it ended up being a very good day. We’ll continue to get used to our new schedule and to Nina’s new school, but I’m really glad that the first day went well.