Friday, February 27, 2009

Sweet Sisters

Sometimes all you need is someone to come along and make you smile!

Monday, February 23, 2009

What a Week!

We're emerging today from a pretty horrendous week. Nina got very sick on Monday, Mark left on Wed. morning for a trip, Nina stayed very sick through Friday, Lyla got sick Friday night, and I finally fell prey to being sick on Sunday. Thankfully, today we're all feeling better. I was very thankful for Shenley and Megan who made grocery runs for us, and most of all to Mouse who came over to take care of Lyla when I was at the doctor with Nina and then came back yesterday to take care of the girls when I was sick. Hopefully now I'll be back to posting about happy things going on!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

We've Seen Better Days

I'm not sure how many of you who read this blog have been hit by the stomach flu this year, but it's a pretty awful one. Lyla and I both had it pretty bad about a month ago, and it hit Nina on Monday. She has been so sick since then. Mark and I almost took her to the ER on Tuesday night, but things have improved little by little. We're on Day 4 today, and I'm starting to see some improvement. She's still sick (seen here under a blanket, with mittens, a long sleeve, a sweater, and pants), but we're hoping the road to recovery is nearby. It's been a little rough for Lyla as Nina has required so much time and attention...
...but she does great regardless.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Today we had a special little Valentine's Day treat for Nina and Lyla. They got cards from grandparents, a small treat from us, a balloon, and Nina's favorite breakfast treat, donut holes! There is already one in her mouth when I took this picture.
Lyla didn't shy away from the treats either. She put her hand in the donut box, grabbed one, and shoved it in her mouth before anyone could stop her. Here she is trying to escape the kitchen with her evidence.

As for Mark and I, we've never been huge fans of heading out to restaurants on Valentine's Day, so we are doing a fun dinner in this evening after the girls go to bed. As for our very romantic gift to each other...a new refrigerator. Nothing says love like a new appliance! :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Outside and Eleven Months

The past few days here have been quite warm for early February. We've tried to make the most of the few "warm" days by getting outside as much as possible. Nina loves digging, and I think she is going to be a little gardener's helper this year if we can get out act together this spring to make a small garden.

Lyla turned 11 months old on Sunday. It's hard to believe we're so close to her first birthday! The easiest way to say what she's into right now would simply be to say EVERYTHING! I remember this stage with Nina, but now I realize it's a lot harder when it's 2 of them vs. 1 of me! Now that she stands and walks without having to pull up on anything, she doesn't want much to do with crawling anymore, she still only has two teeth (not kidding!), and she likes doing things to make us laugh!

Thursday, February 05, 2009


It's pretty evident that Lyla doesn't have much hair for a baby almost 11 months old. The hair that she does have is pretty light, so it's hard to see. As she has gotten more of it, I actually have to brush it (with a newborn brush) after her bath, and she must like the feel of it because she sits very still and seems to enjoy it. She has started picking up Nina's hair brush and trying to brush her own hair. It's really pretty cute. This evening she was pointing at Nina's pony tails and was trying to touch them. When I said, "Yes, that's Nina's hair," she put her hand to her own hair, so maybe a little obsession with hair, or lack of it, is starting!

Keep an Eye Out For This

Playground is a film getting set to open in select cities that exposes the problem of child sex slavery and trafficking here in the United States. If it comes here to Washington D.C., I'll be sure to post about if for those who might want to go, but if you aren't in the D.C. area and are interested in learning more, check the website for the film coming to a city near you!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

We've Got to Get the Girl a Guitar...

...because she's playing a fly swatter! Nina really enjoys music and has come up with several make-shift guitars, but when she started playing the fly swatter, I had to do something. I don't mind Lyla kissing the trash can, but something about strumming on dead fly remnants made me kind of cringe, so I wrapped it in paper towels and taped it up for a guitar. Her latest favorite song to play to is Shake Your Groove Thing by the Chipmunks. Hopefully soon she'll end up playing some U2 so we can both enjoy the music! :) A little while later it was back to princess...

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Lyla's Dedication

Lyla's dedication was this morning at church. It is a special day for us as parents because we have the chance to publicly acknowledge that Lyla is a gift from God, and we agree to vows that we will do our best to raise her in a way that honors Jesus Christ. It was also special for us because Jim Supp, the pastor who married us and dedicated Nina, was the pastor that dedicated Lyla today. He is the one in this picture holding her.
My family came to our church today for the dedication then over to our house afterwards for lunch, so it meant a lot to us to have them there as well.